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colton and the single mom the coltons of red ridge colton and the single mom is book 4 of an exciting harlequin romantic suspense series called the coltons of red ridge. over 6 books we get to know the coltons as they are faced with a variety of challenges which test them and also lead them to love. colton and the single mom the coltons of red ridge mass colton and the single mom is book 4 of an exciting harlequin romantic suspense series called the coltons of red ridge. over 6 books we get to know the coltons as they are faced with a variety of challenges which test them and also lead them to love. marie ferrarella romance author colton baby rescue. the coltons of red ridge miniseries harlequin tm romantic suspense 1975 january 2018 isbn10 1335456228 isbn13 9781335456229. a k9 cop must protect a single mom as usa today bestselling author marie ferrarella introduces the new coltons of red ridge miniseries.. carson gage has a crime to solvethe mur of his brotherand his numberone suspect is his archenemy . marie ferrarella romance author book list marie ferrarella romance author of over 120 best selling romance books. romantic times top pick wanbooks best seller

justine dare author also writing as justine davis coltons twin secrets harlequinn romantic suspense 2007 the coltons of red ridge 9 miniseries september 2018 090418 isbn10 1335456546 isbn13 9781335456540

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